Monday 18 December 2006

SERIES: People I Admire, The Introduction & Invitation

The theory goes that everyone on earth can be connected to anyone else in 6 degrees or less. While I have not tested this personally it got me to thinking about this on a different level. Of the all the people I have met which have made the most impact on my life, do I admire and somehow changed me? Then it hit me, why not create a series of posts here on my blog to document this. After giving this much thought the concept of expanding this to include others who visit here could be quite interesting.

This series of posts will go something like this, subject to modification as needed and based on input from you the readers;

-At least once per week I will post an article giving the story of 5 people who have impacted my life in some way, categorized by the relationship type such as they were a teacher or someone I worked with and reported to, etc.

-In order to keep this as personal as possible all of them must be people I have had a personal relationship with at some level, i.e. business, personal, family, student of theirs, etc.

-The core requirement for each is that the impact they have must have been a positive one, either on me directly or connected to others in some way. Including both of these criteria will allow inclusion of people who I observed and while they made an impact on me personally, the impact they made was primarily beyond that by way of the impact they had on someone else's life.

After having gone over my thought process I then realized that getting outside participation by way of others posting comments with their own personal stories would be extremely interesting. With that said I would like to invite anyone and everyone to post their own stories about others who made an impact in their life or the lives of others around them. The experiences can be ones that had a deep impact or were curiously vague and brief but still changed who you are or others around you.

Stay tuned as the series expands, the first will be titled People I Admire: Relatives and Close Friends.

1 comment:

Kerry Woo said...

Kenny, look forward to reading your series - we all influence one another from afar and near in more ways we can see!